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Medical Cannabis
For the natural treatment of your ailments

Medical Cannabis

For the natural treatment of your ailments

Digital Onboarding

Simply start your
onboarding from home

Initial interview

At one of our many
locations - countrywide

Am I suitable?

Your therapy is preceded by a free medical screening

Possible applications of the therapy

Chronic pain



Sleep disorder

Therapy process

Our collaborating doctors accompany your treatment.

Fill out questionnaire
& upload documents

Initial interview with a
doctor on-site

Digital follow-up
Remote treatment is not possible in every case, but only under the conditions that in compliance with recognized professional standards within the meaning of § 630a BGB (according to the current state of scientific knowledge, medical experience, which is necessary to achieve the medical treatment goal and has proven itself in testing) depending on the clinical picture, no personal contact between doctor and patient is required.

1. Fill out questionnaire
& upload documents

2. Initial interview with a
doctor on-site

3. Digital follow-up
Remote treatment is not possible in every case, but only under the conditions that in compliance with recognized professional standards within the meaning of § 630a BGB (according to the current state of scientific knowledge, medical experience, which is necessary to achieve the medical treatment goal and has proven itself in testing) depending on the clinical picture, no personal contact between doctor and patient is required.
"Algea Care is the best I know in medicine. The doctors treating me are competent, courteous and were finally able to relieve my unimaginable pain!"

- Jürgen F.

"Algea Care is the best I know in medicine. The doctors treating me are competent, courteous and were finally able to relieve my unimaginable pain!"

- Elisa M. (34)

Our locations for the initial interview

The on-site appointments take place here. Our collaborating doctors start and accompany your individual treatment - as far as medically justifiable according to general professional standards - after an on-site initial consultation, in certain cases digitally.
Remote treatment is not possible in every case, but only under the conditions that in compliance with recognized professional standards within the meaning of § 630a BGB (according to the current state of scientific knowledge, medical experience, which is necessary to achieve the medical treatment goal and has proven itself in testing) depending on the clinical picture, no personal contact between doctor and patient is required.

Discover Algea Care

We show the benefits of treatment with medical cannabis. Watch all all reports!

How does treatment with medical cannabis work?

Discover Algea Care: Cannabis as medicine - your way to treatment with our doctors

Algea Care is known from

BILD Zeitung
"Managing director and specialist Julian Wichmann, MD (35): It is not a miracle and not a panacea, but can help with many diseases and symptoms."
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"Cannabis continues to be stigmatized as a medicine and is too rarely considered. Patients and physicians should talk constructively about this established treatment option."
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"The practice is staffed by physicians who specialize in cannabinoid therapy. It is Algea Care's fifth cannabis therapy center in Bavaria."
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Pharma Relations
"Digital health company Algea Care has created a new position, 'Director of Research,' to expand its study base regarding the medical potential of cannabis."
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Our latest news

on medical cannabis

The treatment helped her significantly reduce her pain….
Research Cooperation Algea Care & University Hospital Hamburg:…

You ask - we answer

We try to answer all your questions. If you have a question that we do not have an answer to here, please contact us at any time. Contact

Medical cannabis has a very broad therapeutic spectrum. It can therefore provide relief for a whole range of symptoms and diseases – each case is different and must be discussed with the attending physician. Among dozens of other diseases, the therapy is used especially for chronic pain, migraine, ADHD, depression and sleep disorders.
Cannabinoid therapy can be useful in case of serious chronic ailments of a physical or psychological nature that could not be conclusively treated successfully or if treatment with the previous means was not tolerable for the patient, e.g. because of severe side effects. The therapy can thus be applied as an alternative or also as a supplement to the existing medication.
Since March 10, 2017 with the passing of the “Cannabis as Medicine” law in Germany, the prescription of medical cannabis is legal. To become a patient, you need a prescription from a doctor who can prescribe cannabis use for medical reasons for serious, chronic illnesses. A serious illness is one that for example significantly impairs your quality of life in the long term.
In order for the health insurance company to cover the costs, an application must be submitted before therapy begins. According to the law, this may be rejected “only in justified exceptional cases”. However, this happens in over 50% of cases. In addition, it is also necessary that no other generally recognized medical service is available for the illness, that its side effects make its use inadvisable, or that it is out of the question for other individual reasons. A further prerequisite for cost coverage is participation in an accompanying study. For this purpose, anonymized patient data are transmitted to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in order to research the long-term use of medical cannabis. Please note: reimbursement through a statutory health insurance is not possible via Algea Care at the moment. For this, a licensed physician with a “Kassensitz” needs to prescribe you cannabis.
Private health insurance generally covers the costs of therapy with medical cannabis if there is a medical prescription for it, the patient purchases the medicine from a pharmacy, the therapy is medically necessary and complies with the rules of conventional medicine, or there are no other conventional medical means and methods available with the prospect of the same success.

All information about medical cannabis

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