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Other ailments

Do you recognize yourself in the following complaints? Then cannabinoid therapy could possibly be an alternative for you! [1-3]

Other ailments

Do you recognize yourself in the following complaints? Then cannabinoid therapy could possibly be an alternative for you! [1-3]

Natural treatment

Possible applications for THC-containing medical cannabis

Natural treatment

Other possible applications for isolated cannabidiol (CBD)

Our patients

Algea Care patients share their personal experiences. See all reports.

"I am happy with my treatment and the entire therapy. I can actively participate in my life again. I would recommend Algea Care ten times out of ten."

- Jean-Pierre H.

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Cuttler C, Spradlin A, Cleveland MJ, Craft RM. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Headache and Migraine. J Pain. 2020 May-Jun;21(5-6):722-730. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.11.001. Epub 2019 Nov 9. PMID: 31715263.


Terrance Bellnier, Geoffrey W. Brown, Tulio R. Ortega; Preliminary evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and costs associated with the treatment of chronic pain with medical cannabis. Mental Health Clinician 1 May 2018; 8 (3): 110–115. doi


Ran Abuhasira, Lihi Bar-Lev Schleider, Raphael Mechoulam, Victor Novack, Epidemiological characteristics, safety and efficacy of medical cannabis in the elderly, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 49, 2018, Pages 44-50, ISSN 0953-6205

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