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Montag - Freitag 09-17 Uhr

Our mission

Increase your well-being through innovative processes* - easily from home

*for more joy in life

We are

Germany's leading platform for therapy with medical cannabis

Personalized medicine tailored to your needs: we partly use the modern possibilities of telemedicine to make your life easier.

Future of medicine

As Algea Care, we pursue the vision of optimizing your everyday life through an innovative form of healthcare. With the help of telemedicine and treatments via video consultations with our collaborating doctors, we not only reduce your effort, but also that of the doctors – who in turn can invest the time gained in your personalized therapy. Our specialized collaborating doctors can treat you in the course while you are at home (as far as remote treatment is medically justifiable according to recognized professional standards*). Your medication can be sent to you from a mail-order pharmacy of your choice after being prescribed by a doctor, or you can pick it up at a local pharmacy. Your right to free choice of pharmacy remains of course.

The principle of our actions

Our values

Algea Care heißt jetzt Bloomwell