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True pioneering spirit to obtain more evidence for cannabis therapy

  • Algea Care and the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) plan for combining their research on cannabis treatment for chronic neuropathic pain
  • New Algea Care treatment centre opened in Ingolstadt

Frankfurt/Main, March 31, 2022 – Algea Care, the first and leading Germany-wide platform for telemedicine-supported and evidence-based medical treatment with medical cannabis, today announced planning for a new research collaboration with the internationally renowned University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). For this research project, the Frankfurt based company will provide the UKE with the anonymized data of initially 100 patients with chronic neuropathic pain, who had previously not responded to conventional medical treatment but have been very successfully treated with medical cannabis by Algea Care. The data will be analysed by researchers under the supervision of Dr med. Said Farschtschi, Specialist for Neurology and Head of the Phacomatosis Research Group and Head of the UKE Neurofibromatosis Outpatient Clinic and Day Clinic, to evaluate its efficiency in the treatment of individual symptoms.

“Treatment with medical cannabis can significantly reduce neuropathic pain levels in patients,” according to Dr Farschtschi. “We plan to scientifically evaluate this data to help determine the potential of cannabis therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic neuropathic pain. The evidence for the use of cannabinoids and medical cannabis remains limited, especially for small patient cohorts. Our aim is to gradually improve the available data.”

The significance of this type of research can be seen in the still glaring imbalances between conventional therapeutic approaches, for example with opioids, which often have a range of severe side effects, and treatment with a natural and comparatively safe medicinal product under medical supervision, such as medical cannabis. Surveys by the statutory health insurance providers show a clear picture: approx. 350,000 prescriptions for cannabis-based medicinal products compared to almost 16,500,000 prescriptions for opioids – an unbelievable 47 times more! The recently observed “medical cannabis boom in pharmacies” with “a more than 100,000% increase” in the last 10 years does not account for the fact that, since the legalization of medical cannabis in March 2017, in the four following years 2018-2021, only a 300% increase was recorded.

A look across the Atlantic demonstrates how difficult access is for patients in Germany. Using Canada as a benchmark, where approx. 1% of the population is undergoing cannabis therapy, the number in Germany would be approx. 830,000 – not the estimated 80,000 currently receiving treatment.“ To improve patient access, medical cannabis treatment needs more scientific evidence”, says Dr med. Julian Wichmann, CEO of Algea Care. “We, as pioneers in the field of evidence-based cannabis therapy, are proud to be making progress together with the UKE. Only scientific evidence can convince our colleagues in the medical fields and the insurance companies of the efficacy and safety of this modern therapy and remove the social stigma attached to patients”.

A new therapy centre in Bavaria

An important component of medically supervised cannabis therapy is a nationwide network of therapy centres. This is where the patient has their first consultation with a doctor before having further appointments via video consultation. Algea Care is investing heavily in the expansion of its network: On 19th February, a new therapy centre was opened in Münchner Straße 97, Ingolstadt – and more centres are planned for the coming year. Interested patients can find a comprehensive list of all Algea Care therapy centres and further information at www.algeacare.com.

Press office:

Algea Care GmbH | Jennifer Plankenbühler | Bethmannstraße 8 | 60311 Frankfurt a. M.
T +49 (0) 15 20 87 34 71 5 | Mail presse@algeacare.com

3K Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH | Feldbergstraße 35 | 60323 Frankfurt a.M.
T +49 (0)40 23 80 12 84 | Mail presse@3k-kommunikation.de

About Algea Care

Algea Care is the nation’s first and leading platform for telemedicine-supported and evidence-based medical treatment with medical cannabis. As a result of the approval of the medical use of cannabis in 2017, the company, founded in Frankfurt in 2020, has pioneered medical treatment using specific hemp components, e.g., cannabinoid oil (CBD). Algea Care is aimed at patients for whom conventional therapy was unsuccessful and who are now looking to natural medical products, such as cannabis, to treat their chronic illnesses and ailments (e.g., chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, depression, ADHD, sleep problems). Achieving long-term improvements in patient quality of life is the focus of the efforts of the more then 220-strong Algea Care team.

Via the website www.algeacare.com, patients can quickly and easily request treatment and – after a careful medical examination of the patient’s documents – book an appointment at one of the currently 23 therapy centers in Germany. Physicians specially trained in the use of cannabis therapy and other natural medicinal products provide consultation and treatment. After the initial appointment at one our therapy centres, all follow-up appointments, if medically justifiable, can take place as a video consultation. Using state-of-art telemedical technology, Algea Care provides patients with a comprehensive range of services: our expert team is on hand to help patients schedule appointments and compile medical histories, to offer therapy support or to answer questions on medication and other related topics.



GKV GAMSI Sonderbeilage: ‚Verordnungen von Cannabinoidhaltigen Fertigarzneimitteln‘


Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung und Wissenschaftliches Institut der PKV (Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 19/15967 vom 13.12.2019)


RND-Pressemeldung vom 16.02.2022.


Handelsblatt vom 19.01.2021. „Zahl der Cannabis-Patienten steigt – aber nicht so schnell wie erwartet“

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